Client Stories

Educational Sites
Monetizing educational website

PayClick works in many countries all over the world but Indonesia has always been one of our developed regions.
We have a lot of flourishing partners from this country, one of them is our new partner - Radga.

Radga Fikri
Radga is a very enthusiastic person, he owns a website about learning English. There are a lot of tips, tricks and valuable materials which surely help each person to learn English and prepare for different exams like TOEFL, IELTS and others. Nowadays learning English is absolutely vital, especially for young people, that’s why Radga decided to share his profound knowledge in this field with other indonesian speakers. He worked hard to collect quality content for English learners in one place and build strong audience loyalty. Few months ago Radga finally decided to start monetizing his website. Since he didn’t want his visitors to pay for his content, he started to search for a suitable advertising network. We are proud that after some research Radga has decided to become our partner.
Native Advertising for English learners
Radga always gives new things a try. Native advertising was also new for him, but it proved its effectiveness very
soon. As usual, we asked our partner to make a short summary of what was good and what could be better
regarding our network and our services. Here are the answers:
  • Why did you choose native advertising among other monetization tools? I like how it looks on my website! It is always something relevant to my website’s content - that’s why my visitors interact with these ads without any negative reaction.
  • Have you been satisfied by your earnings? For the first time, when I had a trial period, my earnings were not so big, but now I see how steadily they are increasing. It really depends on ad spots and widget design. There are many options for adjusting your ad widget - that’s what I like about PayClick.
  • Have you ever faced any problems with payments? Only once, but it was just a payment system delay and my support manager Adi managed to solve this problem pretty quickly
  • How can you evaluate the quality of our ads? They really engage the audience: it can be proved by the high CTR level (2,2% average)
  • Have you noticed any negative changes in your website metrics? No, I haven’t seen any sufficient changes in comparison with the previous periods, that’s why I prefer native advertising. No increase in bounce rates and no decrease in time on site and page views
Some of Radga’s teasers
This thing will make your child’s learning better
10 tips for making your studying more efficient
The best device for learning and work on the air
Examples of native ads on Radga’s website
Radga has a pretty huge and loyal audience on his website. Usually his audience’s average age range is
18-35 years old , majority of them has higher education (or non-completed higher education). PayClick
collects all information available based on these recommendations, we offer only relevant product or
information for website visitors. That’s what enables us to have more than 2% average CTR.
You can see some examples of Radga’s native ads below:
Statistics highlights
According to Radga’s website statistics, now he earns more than $60 per day with good average CTR
and average eCPM of 0,32. You can take a look at full statistics on the screenshot below:
Date Views Income $ eCPM %
1.11.2016 200313 70.06 0.35
2.11.2016 229313 74.96 0.33
3.11.2016 24012 66.20 0.27
4.11.2016 217321 65.91 0.30
5.11.2016 205314 58.46 0.28
6.11.2016 189932 63.79 0.34
7.11.2016 197045 61.71 0.31
8.11.2016 209543 57.54 0.27
9.11.2016 185715 55.58 0.30
10.11.2016 196382 63.72 0.32
11.11.2016 181442 55.65 0.31
12.11.2016 179779 60.51 0.34
13.11.2016 186017 57.33 0.31
14.11.2016 173310 64.13 0.37
15.11.2016 186669 58.48 0.31
16.11.2016 181748 65.02 0.36
17.11.2016 177510 71.35 0.40
18.11.2016 178505 62.91 0.35
19.11.2016 184876 59.90 0.32
20.11.2016 184319 58.37 0.32
Total: 38 860 065 1 251.60 0.32
$1252 inTotal
Advices by Radga
How to promote an educational website:
Always look for new ways to improve your website usability - simple Google Analytics tools would be enough to find out what needs to be changed
Competitors monitoring
You should always be aware of what your competitors offer and try to be the best on the market, which means offering better quality, lower price or more favourable conditions
External links
It is good when you have a lot of authentic external links to your website, so you better build good relationships with prominent partners and mass media
Engage in social activity
It is always good if you provide consultations, answer questions, make comments etc. People will keep coming back if they can easily get some advice or help on your web resource
Unique content
Content is king - remember it! Only by providing valuable and engaging content you can achieve audience loyalty