Client Stories

Automobile Sites
Personalized product
recommendations in native format

Nowadays it is extremely important for advertisement to be showed to exact audience with the relevant interests. Advertisers now realize, that it is no longer effective enough to use simple banners on a website with a large amount of visitors.

Hose Kurnim
Advertisers want to find very specific audience, most relevant to the products, they promote. It is a very difficult, but possible task.
You will ask, how are we doing it in PayClick? We have different options to use, but the main idea is that we use only relevant ads for the website’s audience. It means that if you have a website about fishing, you won’t get ads about weight loss or a new pop star. But if you site is about fashion and beauty, there is a big chance that such ads will be showed for your visitors. There are a lot of criterias, actually, which influence content of advertising blocks: website specialization and content, visitor’s previous behaviour in the internet, shopping history, location, age, sex, interests and others
We love to share interesting experience of our favorite clients. One of them is Hose. We are partners since may 2015 and continue to work together. Hose has a huge website about automobiles, where he has a lot of important categories: reviews, car repair, tuning, owner’s feedback, spare parts, accessories and others. It attracts more than 1 million visitors per month. And, of course, these website’s audience might be very interesting for many types of advertisers.
“It was always a big problem to monetize traffic without serious affect on my web metrics. I had relationships with many advertisers previously, but later i had to get rid of their ads, because they were ruining my reputation as a serious automobile portal, which i couldn’t let happen. Some of them were just inappropriate, some were not relevant to my website. The most important thing for me - to keep my audience loyal, because i was creating it for many years and i can’t let any advertising decrease page views, time on site, increase bounce rates. That’s why i choose monetization tool with great attention.”
Before & After Comparison
“Native Ads became a real solution for me. My friend gave me a recommendation and i installed PayClick. I liked how simple it was to begin working and payments are always correct and made in time. And if you compare PayClick ads with the examples above, you will definitely see the difference”
As a short example, Hose showed us a banner, he used to have on his website previously

Bad Design

No relevance to site content

Low earnings (0.15% CTR)

Good Example of Advertising
No banner blindness
It is proved by high CTR (I have 2,35% average)
High flexibility
You can use as much blocks, as you like, you can customise them as you like
Ads, most relevant to the visitors interest
Responsive design
Looking good on mobile, ad units adapt to the screen size of a device
No shock
No shocking or inappropriate advertising
Some other recommendations for Automobile Website Owners
We asked Hose to give some recommendations and tips, which might be useful for publishers connected with automobile industry. Here they are:
  • Begin monetization only if you have good metrics, enough impressions and audience loyalty. Usually it is not earlier than half a year after creation the website
  • To gain constant revenue from your website, use only legal monetization tools, don’t put too much advertising, watch the quality of your advertising
  • Analyze your visitors, think of the most relevant monetization tools, most relevant advertisers
  • In my view, it is worth to try these tools: contextual advertising, native advertising, direct advertising, paid services, partnership with offline shops, internet shops and other services ( for instance, service stations, tire shops, insurance companies, automobile dealers etc.)
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Statistics highlights
in order to prove the effectiveness of native advertising
Hose gave us a permission to share some of his statistics highlights. His earnings with PayClick are close to $1100 per month . “It is 30% more, than i earned with other advertising networks, of course, it is not the limit, but still, the results are pretty satisfying and they allows me to invest in developing my portal and even leave some profit for myself.
Date Views Clicks CTR % Income $ eCPM %
23.06.2016 54322 692 1.27 35.71 0.66
24.06.2016 49845 604 1.21 36.63 0.73
25.06.2016 49551 657 1.33 35.55 0.72
26.06.2016 52025 706 1.36 37.41 0.72
27.06.2016 53639 714 1.33 66.54 0.68
28.06.2016 54121 764 1.41 38.07 0.70
29.06.2016 51602 748 1.45 35.54 0.69
30.06.2016 45084 725 1.61 37.44 0.83
31.06.2016 49565 673 1.36 37.32 0.75
1.07.2016 59047 798 1.35 36.83 0.62
2.07.2016 59528 859 1.44 34.32 0.58
3.07.2016 52010 808 1.55 38.42 0.74
4.07.2016 51491 836 1.62 37.41 0.73
5.07.2016 50973 828 1.62 35.42 0.69
6.07.2016 48454 798 1.65 33.54 0.69
7.07.2016 48936 775 1.58 35.82 0.73
8.07.2016 49417 809 1.64 36.45 0.74
9.07.2016 51899 837 1.61 37.45 0.72
10.07.2016 60380 774 1.28 36.93 0.61
11.07.2016 55862 830 1.49 34.25 0.61
12.07.2016 55343 816 1.47 38.71 0.70
13.07.2016 51825 776 1.50 35.55 0.69
14.07.2016 54306 766 1.41 32.04 0.59
15.07.2016 52788 796 1.51 35.87 0.68
16.07.2016 53269 856 1.61 36.82 0.69
17.07.2016 46751 817 1.75 30.35 0.65
18.07.2016 44232 777 1.76 39.93 0.90
19.07.2016 54714 837 1.53 38.16 0.70
20.07.2016 49195 797 1.62 36.35 0.74
21.07.2016 50677 827 1.63 37.44 0.74
Total: 1 560 851 23300 1.50 1 088.24 0.70
Average: 52 028.37 776.67 1.50 36.27 0.70
$1 088.24 inTotal