Client Stories

Medical Sites
$500 per month

One of our recent partners - Linh Ngyen, agreed to share his PayClick experience with us and we
are happy to share this feedback with you!

Linh Ngyen
Linh has a medical website, which covers a lot of issues, connected with health and nutrition. Linh himself leads a healthy lifestyle and totally into all modern medical trends. His website was created as a hobby, where he started to collect all important medical advices and information for him and his family and friends. But, simple hobby very soon became a real passion and he started to develop his website and work on it’s content. The results were really promising - during the first month of active work he managed to increase the website audience significantly. It had proved to Linh that his hobby might become his occupation. Nowadays, 2 years after, Linh has a website with 2,5M unique impressions per month, or more than 80k impressions a day! That’s quite the result! When we started to work with Linh, he already had some experience with native advertising, but wasn’t very satisfied. He faced some huge troubles with payments previously and was very distrustful. We are proud of the fact, that we managed to persuade Linh native advertising was a really effective monetization tool.
What makes Native Ads so effective
After several months of work in collaboration with Linh, we see good results and only progressive technology of
native advertising made it possible. We ask Linh to highlight all the advantages of using our network he managed
to discover during our partnership:
  • Average CTR - 3,5% It effectively captures visitor’s attention.
  • No shocking ads It is a very big problem for medical websites, it really attracts a lot of inappropriate advertisers . In case of PayClick everything was fine
  • It works well on mobile/tablet It is very important issue, since more than 50% of my visitors are using their mobile gadgets
  • Payment I am satisfied by payment rates, because in my case it is almost $0,2 per thousand impressions
  • Support I really like to work with my personal manager Ann, she is a real professional and always helps me with my advertising issues
Some of Linh’s teasers
Can humans live beyond the age of 115?
10 terrific recipes for overnight oats
10 helpful life hacks for those with diabetes
Some Relevant Native Ads Examples
Thanks to our technology, we can identify user’s interest with a strong accuracy and show only relevant advertising. We
collect data from many sources and when the visitor come to your website, we already know much about his
preferences in the internet. Based on this knowledge, we offer to visitor only specific information or product, he would
like to learn more about or purchase. Check out some native ads examples from Linh’s website:
Statistics highlights
Linh also gave us permission to share some of his statistic information. As you can see, in October he earned earned $500 with 2506K impressions and average CTR of 3,5%. Of course, Linh might have had even better results, if he used more widgets on his website. We continue to experience a positive dynamics in earnings and hope to reach at least $700 for the next month.
Date Views Income $ eCPM %
20.10.2016 80313 17.06 0.21
21.10.2016 79313 14.96 0.19
22.10.2016 81012 16.20 0.20
23.10.2016 77546 15.91 0.21
24.10.2016 82287 16.46 0.20
25.10.2016 80433 16.79 0.21
26.10.2016 78550 15.71 0.20
27.10.2016 73711 17.74 0.24
28.10.2016 82916 15.58 0.19
29.10.2016 81152 16.23 0.20
30.10.2016 80023 15.52 0.19
31.10.2016 79415 15.78 0.20
1.11.2016 84202 17.64 0.21
2.11.2016 72519 14.83 0.20
3.11.2016 85592 17.78 0.21
4.11.2016 81663 16.33 0.20
5.11.2016 77621 16.52 0.21
6.11.2016 75312 14.66 0.19
7.11.2016 84678 15.34 0.18
8.11.2016 84933 18.29 0.22
9.11.2016 81777 16.36 0.20
10.11.2016 76935 15.39 0.20
11.11.2016 77912 15.98 0.21
12.11.2016 85598 18.12 0.21
13.11.2016 83622 17.72 0.21
14.11.2016 82065 14.41 0.18
15.11.2016 83426 16.69 0.20
16.11.2016 85245 17.55 0.21
17.11.2016 79907 17.98 0.23
18.11.2016 83655 16.73 0.20
Total: 2 506 448 507.91 0.20
$500 inTotal
Tips and Tricks on how to Run Medical Website and Monetize it
Advices by Lihn
Content for a medical resource is very specific. It should have high quality and it is better if the author has relevant education and deep knowledge in specific field of medicine. If you don’t have such specialists in your team, at least give a task to a good copywriter to prepare an article and then ask a specialist to check the text. The information should be written in a simple and easy-to-read way. Try to avoid specific language and medical terms.
If you sell some medical goods, you should have full description of it and all the instructions and contradictions on your pages
Work on your website interface, it should be clear and easy to find necessary information. It helps to reduce your bounce rates.
Use more low-frequency keywords on your website to attract targeted audience
If you have experienced specialists as well-known authors , publish information about them and their most popular works on your website, it will help you to build positive reputation and helps developing reader’s trust, which is strongly recommended for medical website.
Use and develop social media pages to attract engaged audience